Legal Research
Public & Private Law. EU National & International Law. Comparative Research.
Christine Nikander is an experienced legal researcher. She has conducted legal research while at University, while employed at a large law firm, for multiple NGOs and think tanks, and for social enterprises.
At University and for NGOs and think tanks, Christine has conducted extensive research on human environmental rights, on the environmental liability of corporate entities, on the international law applicable to the transboundary movement of electronic waste, on circular economy policy and law, as well as on corporate social responsibility under the law.
For the private sector and for social enterprises, Christine has done research on EU law, on competition law, on the enforcement of arbitral decisions, on document production in international arbitration, on copyright and other intellectual property rights, as well as on the scope of judicial and political immunity under public international law.
As an expert in waste and circularity laws, Christine is currently a member of the consortium that has been selected by the Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) of the European Commission for the “Framework Contract on the Circular Economy and Waste to Resources”.
Christine studied law in the Netherlands, the UK, and Finland. She is specialized in EU, comparative European, and international law. Conducting comparative legal research is hence something that comes easy to her. Moreover, she enjoys combining her training in public law and her work experience in corporate law in her research.
Christine's background provides her with a unique and well-rounded perspective when conducting legal research. To find out more about the legal services that Christine provides, follow the link below.
Recent Work
As a legal expert, Christine regularly participates in conducting legal research into the national transposition and implementation of EU directives related to energy and the environment for Europe-wide research studies.
As of the spring of 2024, she is participating in research for the European Commission (DG MOVE) on the national adoption and implementation of the Eurovignette Directive.
As of the spring of 2024, she is participating in research for the European Commission (DG EMPL) on the national transposition of the European Accessibility Act.
As of the autumn of 2022, she has participated in research for the European Commission (DG ENER) on the national implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/2002 on Energy Efficiency (EED) and the Directive (EU) 2018/844 on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD).
Publications & Research
“The Just Transition Newsletter” • 03/2024 - present • Monthly newsletter by Palsa & Pulk exploring how to achieve a just transition and how companies can become champions for change (published on LinkedIn, Substack, and website)
“The E-Waste Column” • 09/2022 - present • Weekly column and a monthly newsletter on e-waste, transition minerals, and critical raw materials (published on LinkedIn, Substack, and website)
“E-waste recycling: time to peddle harder” • 03/2024 • Article published online and in print in The Mint Magazine by Promoting Economic Pluralism
“How have courts dealt with scientific evidence in youth-led climate cases? How does this differ between courts?” • 12/2021 • LL.M. writing project for Columbia Law School (unpublished)
"Attacks on Human Rights Lawyers in Zimbabwe: 2020/21 Report" • 09/2021 • Report drafted for Lawyers for Lawyers (published)
“The Legal Principles of Hazardous Waste Management, and Their Deployment in European and US Case Law” • 08/2017 • Master's thesis for Edinburgh Law School (unpublished)
“E-Waste Trafficking as an Environmental Crime: Countering the Transboundary Movement of E-waste by Legally Limiting Planned Obsolescence” • 05/2016 • Bachelor's thesis for Leiden University College (unpublished)